Bougainvillea Bambino - Solar Flare 140mm Pot Bougainvillea Bambino - Solar Flare 140mm Pot

Bougainvillea Bambino - Solar Flare 140mm Pot

Product Code : 9336848000997_1

Bougainvillea Bambino - Solar Flare 140mm Pot

Bougainvillea Bambino Solar Flare

Description of plant at maturity:
Bambinos are excellent dwarf Bougainvilleas, suitable for large containers, hanging baskets or in the garden. The flamboyant floral displays are unbeatable. The series flower in colours from the deepest reds and purples through to pinks and whites.

They will survive in the hot dry of the inland and actually benefit with heavier flowering if kept on the dry side. After flowering, trim off the spent stems, apply some fertiliser and water well; the new shoots to follow will come straight into flower again. Fertilise with a high potash fertiliser in spring, summer and autumn.

They can be grown as trimmed garden shrubs, hedges or pruned into standards. A full sun position will maximise the plants flowering potential, but they will grow in part shade. Mulching will also be beneficial. Plant in full sun and allow to dry out slightly between watering to encourage heavier flowering. Will do best in neutral to slightly acidic soils. Easy care once established.

They are a flowering vines that can be trained on a trellis or fence. Note that Bougainvilleas have thorny stems but they are significantly smaller and softer spikes in the Bambino varieties. Tip prune as desired to maintain habit.

Plant type: Evergreen (but semi-deciduous in cold climates in winter)

Position: Full sun/part shade

Height: 1-1.5m

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Categories: Climbers