Brunnings Weed Killer 1L RTU Brunnings Weed Killer 1L RTU

Brunnings Weed Killer 1L RTU

Product Code : 9310522030289_1

Brunnings Weed Killer 1L RTU

Brunnings Weed Kill for Lawns controls most broadleaf weeds including clover, dandelion, dock, thistles, capeweed, bindii and lambs tongue in any easy ready to use spray application. The formulation, once sprayed, is absorbed via the leaves and kills weeds over a period of 3 to 4 weeks.

- Kills weeds, not lawns
- Controls most broadleaf weeds
- Kills weeds over a 3 to 4 week period

DO NOT mow or fertilise lawn for 7 days before or after application. DO NOT use when shade temperatures are expected to be 30 C or higher, or when soil is dry and lawn is suffering from moisture stress. Apply when weeds are actively growing, and rain is not expected for at least 24 hours. SPOT SPRAY weed foliage until just wet. Some weeds may take 3 - 4 weeks to die.

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Categories: Weed Control