Callistemon - Rowena 150mm Pot (VN) Callistemon - Rowena 150mm Pot (VN)

Callistemon - Rowena 150mm Pot (VN)

Product Code : 9883201640289_1

Callistemon - Rowena 150mm Pot (VN)

Callistemon citrinus Demesne Rowena

Description of plant at maturity:
Rowena is a medium sized shrub with vivid pink/red bottlebrush flowers. It is a very hardy, rounded shrub.

Rowena flowers in spring and puts on a gorgeous display. She tolerates frost and will grow in moist soil types including heavy clay soils.

A lovely plant to attract birds to your garden. If necessary prune to shape after flowering. Frost hardy.

Position: Sun/part shade

Height: 1.5m

Width: 1.5m

Blooming season: Spring

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Categories: Natives