Dahlia - Dalina Maxi Topia 150mm Pot (VN) Dahlia - Dalina Maxi Topia 150mm Pot (VN)

Dahlia - Dalina Maxi Topia 150mm Pot (VN)

Product Code : 9883201173442_1

Dahlia - Dalina Maxi Topia 150mm Pot (VN)

Dahlia dalina maxi - Topia

Description of plant at maturity:
Dalina Maxi Dahlias are new strong and vigorous varieties. Enjoy large double flowers in a range of exquisite colours. When planted in the garden or containers, they have excellent ornamental qualities. Each plant will produce an abundance of large pom-pom shaped flowers from late spring until autumn - meaning 6 months of pure beauty. Flowers can be picked - put them immediately into a vase of water.

More flowers will develop if grown in full sun. During winter they will die back to form an underground tuber, remerging the following spring with an even bigger flower display.

All Dahlia Dalina varieties have stunning colour, fully double flowers, compact habit, even flowering and large flowers up to 12cm diameter.

Position: Full sun/part sun

Height: 50cm

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