Hymenosporum - Australian Frangipani 140mm Pot Hymenosporum - Australian Frangipani 140mm Pot

Hymenosporum - Australian Frangipani 140mm Pot

Product Code : 9883201390252_1

Hymenosporum - Australian Frangipani 140mm Pot

Hymenosporum flavum

Description of plant at maturity:
A fast growing, evergreen tree with glossy, rich green, oval leaves. In spring this Australian native plant bears terminal clusters of very fragrant, tubular, cream flowers that age to golden yellow.

Ideal for large gardens, parks and roadsides. Prefers full sun, but will tolerate light shade in an open position. Will benefit from watering during extended dry periods. Prune after flowering to promote strong bushy growth.

Plant type: Native evergreen

Position: Full sun

Height: to 10m

Width: to 6m

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Categories: Natives