Johnsons WK Chilli - Jalapeno Johnsons WK Chilli - Jalapeno

Johnsons WK Chilli - Jalapeno

Product Code : 5011775049915_1

Johnsons WK Chilli - Jalapeno

Description of plant at maturity:
A very popular thick walled, medium heat chilli used widely in Mexican cooking. Great for salsas, nachos, tacos, burritos and pizzas. Usually harvested when green but can be left to mature and turn red. Caution: Can irritate skin and eyes.

Product Specifications

How To Grow:
In seed trays or in fertile well drained garden soil or pots. 5mm (¼”) deep, cover with fine soil and keep moist. Pick regularly to encourage further fruit growth. Harvest: As required, 12-14 weeks from sowing.

When To Plant:
Spring to Summer, Winter too in hot northern areas.

When to Sow/Plant
Spring, Summer

Soil Type:
Well drained

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Categories: Bulbs