Johnsons WK Winged Pea - Asparagus Pea
Product Code : 5011775040899_1
Johnsons WK Winged Pea - Asparagus Pea
Description of plant at maturity:
Nutty, asparagus-flavoured pods - extremely popular in the Mediterranean and an expensive delicacy in Australia. This delicious, ornamental plant is so easy to grow and cook – try it sautéed, steamed, stir-fried, battered and deep-fried, or pickled. The scarlet flowers are a beautiful garnish. Pick pods when young before they become fibrous. Grows to approx 20-50cm high.
Product Specifications
How To Grow:
In seed trays or direct where they are to grow in full sun.Sow seed 10mm (½in) deep, firm down gently and keep moist.Transplant into final growing position, spacing plants 25cm apart, after soil temperature reaches 20 C.
When To Plant:
Spring to Summer, Autumn in tropical areas.
When to Sow/Plant:
Soil Type
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