Prunus Cheals - Weeping Cherry 500mm Pot Prunus Cheals - Weeping Cherry 500mm Pot

Prunus Cheals - Weeping Cherry 500mm Pot

Product Code : 9883201425176_1

Prunus Cheals - Weeping Cherry 500mm Pot

Prunus serrulata ''Kiku-shidare-zakura'' - Cheal''s Weeping Cherry

Description of plant at maturity:
A small, deciduous, weeping tree producing masses of deep pink, double blossom, along the arching branches, in mid spring.

A spectacular specimen tree for smaller gardens, or mass planted in larger areas.

Grows best in a sunny, sheltered position with reasonably moist, well-drained soils. Water after planting until established. Mulch well.

Position: Full sun

Height: 2-3m

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Categories: Prunus