Raspberry - Tulameen 150mm Pot* (VN) Raspberry - Tulameen 150mm Pot* (VN)

Raspberry - Tulameen 150mm Pot* (VN)

Product Code : 9883201706077_1

Raspberry - Tulameen 150mm Pot* (VN)

Rubus idaeus Tulameen

Description of plant at maturity:
Easily grown in the home garden, raspberries are full of nutrients, particularly vitamin C.

Raspberry Tulameen is a summer through to autumn fruiting variety. Produces a heavy crop of fruit with good disease resistance. Self fertile.

The deciduous shrub likes a sunny to partly shaded position and moist, well drained soil that is acidic to neutral. Mulch plants well and prune small weaker branches to encourage more production.

Position: Full sun/part sjade

Height: 1.5m

Width: 1.5m

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Categories: Berries