Salvia - Heatwave Sparkle 140mm Pot
Product Code : 9883201514634_1
Salvia - Heatwave Sparkle 140mm Pot
Salvia hybrid Heatwave Sparkle
Description of plant at maturity:
A range of salvias aptly dubbed the ‘HEATWAVE’ range was introduced as a direct response to the current dry climate faced by Australian gardeners. Salvias are only too well know worldwide as a waterwise family of plants that revel in sunshine and dry, open soils.
The HEATWAVE range takes todays gardening requirements one step further being purposely bred to retain a compact habit as many forms of salvia greggii typically present with more open habits which, whilst still effective in the right position, relegate their use to background planting or intermingling in a loose perennial border.
The tighter foliage of the HEATWAVE salvias allows them to be a given more prominent location in a garden setting which they well deserve considering they provide colour all through the warmer months right through autumn. Salvia Heatwave Sizzle has vibrant pink coloured flowers that won’t wash out under our bright summer skies.
Once established they require minimum watering (occasional deep watering during extended periods of heat) and a single feed in spring with a general purpose fertiliser will keep your shrubs looking good. After a main flowering flush trim the plant by half to encourage further flowering and a dense, tight habit. Kept lightly clipped they can be utilised as a low informal hedge or individually will give a year round presence either in the garden or as a large container specimen.
Position: Full sun
Height: 70cm
Width: 1m
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Cottage Plants