Sansevieria Superba - Mother-in-laws Tongue 200mm Pot
Product Code : 9883201061091_1
Sansevieria Superba - Mother-in-laws Tongue 200mm Pot
Sansevieria trifasciata Superba
Description of plant at maturity:
The Snake Plant is extremely low maintenance as a semi-succulent with architectural striking foliage. The unique bladed green tongue-like leaves are bordered with variegated yellow margins. Ideal as an indoor or outdoor plant, used commonly as an indoor feature or outdoor hedging plant.
Requires good natural light, but will tolerate low light conditions if not over watered - root rot may occur. Will also tolerate full sun. Allow soil to dry out completely between watering. If foliage becomes wrinkled, simply increase watering frequency. Highly clumping upright habit. Famous for improving indoor air quality by absorbing toxins. Makes a great gift.
Position: Full sun to low light
Height: 1m
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Indoor Plants